How Does Invisalign Compare to Direct to Consumer Aligners

Despite the fact that they are both transparent aligners, these two devices are very different. Examine the differences between Invisalign and Direct to Consumer Aligners to choose which is best for you.

Invisalign Vs Direct to Consumer Aligners: A Comparison

Because of its near-invisibility, Invisalign and Direct to Consumer Aligners are both popular kinds of transparent aligners used to straighten teeth among adults.

Direct to Consumer Aligners is a clear aligner that provides a straighter smile for 60% less than braces. It is a form of treatment that does not involve any dental monitoring, but you must be evaluated by your dentist. They can also help with any issues that may arise throughout therapy. You may have this procedure completely remote if you like, but you must visit your dental professional every 90 days.

Invisalign is supervised and administered by a certified Invisalign expert. Before commencing treatment, your dental expert will determine if you are a good candidate and if there are any issues that need to be addressed.

See Benefits of Invisalign Retainers

When it comes to treatment options, Invisalign and Direct to Consumer Aligners provide a variety of options.


Invisalign Express – This option is meant for extremely mild cases and provides only limited movement. These come with a set of 5 or 10 aligners. The treatment time is set at 12 months.

Invisalign Full – These are typical Invisalign aligners that may be used to correct both mild and severe malocclusions. Therapy might last anywhere from 12 to 18 months.

Invisalign Teen – This is intended for teens, and the aligners contain indicators that educate parents and dental experts about how frequently they should be worn.

Direct to Consumer Aligners

Direct to Consumer Aligners Clear Aligners – This type of treatment will last an average of 6 months if worn 22 hours every day.

Nighttime Clear Aligners – This type of therapy is designed to be worn at night for a total of 10 hours each day. The therapy lasts for ten hours. Many professionals choose this therapy since they are not required to wear them to work.

Benefits and Downsides

Benefits of Invisalign Treatment

  • It may be used to treat basic to complex tooth and jaw problems like as gaps, biting issues, spacing, and crowding.
  • Treatment that is more hands-on. At-home kits are less likely to have technical problems and defects.
  • Treatment is faster and may be more effective than traditional braces.
  • With regular visits, your dentist can closely monitor your progress.
  • The teeth are moved gently and securely due to the secured buttons.

Downsides of Invisalign Treatment

  • Serious dental problems cannot be cured.
  • It is not as inconspicuous as Direct to Consumer Aligners due to the secured buttons.
  • It is more expensive than other aligners.

Benefits of Direct to Consumer Aligners

  • The average wear duration is six months.
  • All of the trays needed for your treatment plan are included in the package.
  • It costs less than Invisalign or even traditional braces.
  • The translucent retainers are devoid of visible buttons.

Downsides of Direct to Consumer Aligners

  • Treatment of moderate to severe issues is not possible.
  • Because communication is primarily remote, it is not a hands-on treatment technique.
  • There is a danger of technical issues and faults with DIY tooth impressions since they may influence the accuracy of your treatment.
  • Aligners lack buttons to keep them in place, which might lead to improper shifting.

Adding it up: Comparing Costs

Depending on what your dental professional thinks, Invisalign might cost anywhere from $3500 to $8500. Invisalign, on the other hand, is more costly than Direct to Consumer Aligners. Direct to Consumer Aligners, one of the most affordable orthodontic products available, should cost less than $2000.

Make the right choice for your smile

Is Invisalign or Direct to Consumer Aligners a better treatment choice for you? After all, it is your smile, and you should be the one to choose the clear aligner system that is ideal for your lifestyle, goals, and budget. Your dentist will also advise you on the best treatment option for you.


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October 6, 2021

Know the Benefits of Invisalign Retainers for Your Smile

After you’ve transformed your smile using Invisalign treatment, you will need to keep it from moving back to its original position with Vivera Retainers. These are custom-made retainers that are as invisible as your Invisalign treatment.

Why do I need a retainer after Invisalign treatment?

You need retainers because if you do not wear one your teeth will move back out of proper alignment. It is not because your treatment didn’t work as expected, but because your teeth have spent so many years in their incorrect position that it will take a long time for them to stay in their adjusted position.

After your Invisalign treatment, you will need to wear the retainers for 6 months full time then after that, you’ll switch to wearing them a few nights a week. Wearing the retainers every night helps prevent the natural tendency of the teeth to move out of alignment.

Vivera Retainers are also used for the following after your Invisalign treatment:

  • Ensure your bite stays properly aligned.
  • Keep the teeth from shifting back.
  • Maintain the new alignment of your treatment.
  • Prevent gaps from occurring between your teeth.

Read Overbite correction using Invisalign

More about Invisalign and Smile Direct Club

How long will I need to wear a retainer?

After your Invisalign treatment, you will need to wear your retainers for at least 22 hours per day. Once you stop wearing your Invisalign, you need to wear orthodontic retainers so that teeth remain in place while new bone is deposited. It will take around 9 to 12 months for your body to build enough bone to stabilize the teeth.

Once the 12 months have passed, there should be enough new bone deposited around the teeth to keep them stable. You don’t have to wear the retainers full time to maintain a beautiful smile. But you’ll still need to wear it at least 3 to 5 times a week.


How Do I Take Care of My Invisalign Retainers

You need to clean your Invisalign retainers just like any orthodontic appliance or they will not function properly. You need to clean them every day or every time you brush your teeth.

  1. To clean your retainer, you’ll need a toothpaste, retainer brush, and a retainer cleaner.
  2. Start by rinsing your retainer in lukewarm water. Avoid using water that is too hot to prevent damaging or distorting it. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush or retainer brush to clean it. Make sure to brush the inside and outside of the dental appliance.
  3. When you are done brushing your teeth, rinse it again in lukewarm water. Take this moment to inspect your retainer for calcium or tartar buildup that can appear as a cloudy, white film. If there is buildup, soak the retainer in a retainer cleaning solution.
  4. Retainer cleaners can work well in removing any deposits but for this case, it is best to use Invisalign Cleaning System as it is designed mainly for Invisalign retainers. It has special cleaning crystals to keep your Vivera clear, hygienic, and odor-free.
  5. If you remove your retainers when you eat, drink, or engage in athletic activities, your teeth should be free from any food or debris before putting it back on.
  6. Be sure to keep the retainers stored in a clean, and safe place, preferably in their own container or a glass of water to prevent exposing it to dirt or bacteria.
  7. Do not consume foods that could leave your retainers looking stained or discolored or can result in producing offensive odors. Best if you remove your retainers during mealtime.

How much does an Invisalign retainer cost?

Depending on where you bought your Vivera retainers, these cost between $600 to $1200. This cost includes 4 sets of top and bottom retainers or 8 retainers in total. Since you’ll be wearing your retainers for life, you will need to get new sets regularly.


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October 6, 2021

Overbite Correction With Invisalign

An overbite is a malocclusion in which the upper front teeth overlap the lower front teeth. It is the most frequent dental issue, accounting for more than 70% of all dental issues and resulting in an uneven and unnatural grin. We’re here to help you determine whether transparent aligners, such as Invisalign, can help you with an overbite or deep bite.

Overbite correction: How its done with Invisalign

Invisalign is a simple but effective approach to straighten teeth that does not require the use of brackets or wires

To fix an overbite with Invisalign, you must first schedule a consultation. You must come to the office to find out if you are a good candidate for this surgery. If you qualify, your orthodontist will construct a virtual 3D model of your teeth using a digital scan of your teeth. After you’ve made a decision on an orthodontic treatment plan, your aligners will be created utilizing cutting-edge technology.

Every day, you must wear your aligners for a total of 21 hours, removing them only to eat, brush, and floss your teeth. You’ll get a new set every two weeks, and as you advance, it’ll progressively force your teeth into the appropriate place.

Learn Advantages of Invisalign Retainers


What other bite issues does Invisalign fix?

When used by a competent practitioner, Invisalign can correct the following chewing issues:

  • For Underbite – The lower teeth overlap the upper teeth in an underbite. The most prevalent cause of this disease is the underdevelopment of the upper, lower, or both jaws. This issue can be caused by flared lower incisors, tipped rear incisors, a missing upper half, or a combination of these problems.

Underbite needs to be corrected immediately because:

  1. Your smile is less attractive.
  2. It prevents the correct functions of the mouth.
  3. Can cause jaw-joint dysfunction.
  • For Crossbite – When the upper teeth bite against the inside of the lower teeth, this is referred to as a crossbite. This is only possible on the front sides of the mouth. It’s preferable if you can get it fixed as soon as possible.

Crossbites can cause the following:

  1. Less attractive smile
  2. Gum disease
  3. Bone loss
  4. Weak chewing patterns
  5. When the teeth have premature wear
  6. Asymmetrical jaw development causing irregular facial features
  7. Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders
  • Open Bite Malocclusion – This condition develops when the upper and lower jaws are stretched outward to the point where they do not connect when you close your mouth. Invisalign treatment must be started on time for it to be effective.

See how Invisalign compares to smile direct club

If this condition is not treated, it might lead to the following complications.

  1. Premature wear of the molar (tooth).
  2. A less beautiful smile.
  3. Jaw joint dysfunction
  • Gaps in teeth, Diastema – Tooth gaps, also known as diastema, are a dental disorder in which two or more teeth are separated by a visible space. This region is shared by the two front incisors. Diastema is a common and minor type of misaligned teeth that can be corrected with Invisalign. Invisalign express can be used to treat a minor dental problem that affects only a few teeth and is not caused by a bite misalignment or other issues.When a more complex movement of the teeth or jaw is necessary, dentists will employ elastics or attachments to supplement Invisalign. These are tooth-colored attachments that allow for more complex tooth movement.

Treatment length: What to expect for overbite correction

Dentists will use elastics or attachments to augment Invisalign when a more sophisticated movement of the teeth or jaw is required. These are tooth-colored attachments that enable complicated tooth movement. Learn about cost of treatment.

Complex issues and Invisalign

While Invisalign can solve many issues, it cannot correct all of the problems, therefore traditional braces are the best option. If the overbite is severe enough to necessitate surgical intervention, for example. Invisalign cannot correct crowded teeth that require a lot of rotation. Small gaps can be tolerated with Invisalign, but large gaps can cause it to fail. Invisalign may not be able to close more than a 2mm gap or raise or lower tooth position.


  • Papadimitriou A, Mousoulea S, Gkantidis N, Kloukos D. Clinical effectiveness of Invisalign® orthodontic treatment: a systematic review. Prog Orthod. 2018;19(1):37. Published 2018 Sep 28. doi:10.1186/s40510-018-0235-z
  • American journal of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics: official publication of the American Association of Orthodontists, its constituent societies, and the American Board of Orthodontics 151(4):691-699.e2 DOI:10.1016/j.ajodo.2016.09.022
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October 6, 2021

Invisalign or Braces: What Works for Your Smile?

According to surveys, 96 percent of people believe that their grin has a significant impact on their entire appearance and confidence. The use of braces or Invisalign to straighten one’s teeth is becoming increasingly popular as a result, rather than adopting alternative ways.

But which of the two options, Invisalign or braces, is the most appropriate for your situation?

Advantages and Disadvantages

Invisalign works faster than traditional braces because the aligner trays are customized to each patient’s exact needs during the therapy, making it more effective. Every few weeks, you’ll return to the office to pick up new aligners that have been custom-made for your needs. As a result, most patients complete their therapy in less time than they would have with braces.

Learn Tips for Invisalign Maintenance.

Pros and Cons


They are nearly undetectable. When people discover about Invisalign, the most common benefit they are aware of is that these sets of aligners are nearly unnoticeable while worn. If you dislike the “metal mouth” appearance of braces, Invisalign is a fantastic alternative to explore.

With Invisalign, you can have your teeth straightened without anyone knowing. This orthodontic surgery is advantageous for persons who do not want to draw unwanted attention to themselves, such as movie stars, professionals, singers, and others.

There are no dietary or eating restrictions. Braces come with a long list of foods to avoid at all costs, or you may wind up with a damaged tooth appliance, causing your orthodontic treatment to be postponed. Eating sticky foods, for example, can cause harm to your braces. You are not limited in your food choices when using Invisalign. Braces come with a long list of foods to avoid at all costs, or you may wind up with a damaged tooth appliance, causing your orthodontic treatment to be postponed. Eating sticky foods, for example, can cause harm to your braces. You are not limited in your food choices when using Invisalign.

Brushing and flossing your teeth is easier.. Brushing and flossing with braces can be more difficult than regular brushing, which is why most patients dislike metal braces or ceramic braces, both of which are available. There are no metal brackets or wires with Invisalign, making it easier to maintain proper dental hygiene when you take the aligners out of your mouth.

There will be fewer appointments. Braces necessitate manual effort and maintenance, such as gluing brackets, changing wires, replacing rubber bands, and connecting springs. This can take anything from 20 minutes to an hour, whereas Invisalign only takes approximately 10 minutes. Patients with braces must be seen every 6 to 8 weeks, however, those with Invisalign only need to be seen once every 10 to 12 weeks.

There is less irritation and pain. Braces will cause oral sores, irritation, and discomfort until your mouth adjusts to them. Invisalign, on the other hand, eliminates the need for brackets and wires, resulting in reduced overall pain and discomfort.



You are required to wear it for a total of 21 hours every day. All that is required is that you remove your aligners when eating or brushing your teeth. Your treatment time will be increased if you do not wear your aligners for the recommended 21 hours per day.

Effective communication with aligners takes time and effort. It may take a few days to adjust to speaking with aligners, but you’ll get the hang of it within a few days.

Complex dental and bite problems can be time-consuming and costly to correct. Traditional metal braces can be the most effective and cost-efficient alternative in some circumstances, especially in more complex cases.

Invisalign or Traditional Braces: Which Option is Best For You?

Yes. Because traditional braces require 18 to 24 months of treatment time, Invisalign can straighten your crooked teeth faster than traditional braces. Invisalign only requires 12 to 18 months of treatment time. The time it takes to get the desired results, on the other hand, is determined by the complexity of your case and the treatment method.

How Effective Is Invisalign Over Traditional Braces

Both Invisalign and metal braces or ceramic braces are regarded as effective techniques for straightening your teeth and improving your smile. While traditional braces are more effective at treating severe difficulties, Invisalign is widely regarded as the most effective treatment option, particularly for moderately crowded teeth.

How Much Does Invisalign Cost vs Braces

Braces are more expensive on average than Invisalign, although they are less expensive than traditional braces. Metal braces usually cost between $1,800 and $6,000, whereas Invisalign costs between $3,000 and $7,000.

Only your orthodontist will be informed of the overall cost of your treatment option, which will be decided by the intricacy of your case and whether you will be using Invisalign retainer or metal braces. The cost will be higher if your teeth require more attention and work.

Are Lingual Braces Better Than Invisalign

Lingual braces, as opposed to Invisalign, which utilizes clear, removable plastic aligners, are permanently affixed to your teeth and employ brackets and wires to progressively correct the positions of your beautiful smile.

  • Lingual braces are completely concealed by the mouth. This treatment does not have the shine that is common with Invisalign.
  • Orthodontists have the most control over the movement of your teeth with these types of braces. In order to get the desired outcomes, they will be able to make tiny changes to your teeth until the completion of the procedure.
  • You won’t have to remove your braces when you eat or drink because they are permanently affixed to the back of your teeth.
  • This treatment is beneficial to all patients. Furthermore, they are equally efficient as traditional metal braces in correcting even the most severe cases of misalignment or tooth crowding.


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October 6, 2021

Learn How to Clean Invisalign Aligners

One of the most important aspects about Invisalign aligners is that they need to be cleaned. Even if you want to remove aligners after a few weeks, you still have to clean them. Something else that might affect the future processing, you will wear a silly and stinky pair of aligners.

If you do not properly care for your Invisalign aligners, you may have bacterial development, which causes odors, aligner decoloration, and harms the health of your teeth. These aligners, like your teeth, must be cleaned on a daily basis to ensure that you receive the best possible treatment.

Suggested Daily Routine

Here’s what a typical day should look like for an Invisalign maintenance:

  1. Clean your aligners everyday
    It is assumed that you will sleep with your aligners on. Many bacteria grow while you sleep, so it’s critical that they’re cleaned up when you wake up. The first thing you should do when you get up is clean your mouth to get rid of the bacteria. Before you put the trays in your mouth, make sure they are clean.
  2. When you take your aligners out of your mouth, rinse them.
    Rinse your invisible aligners whenever you remove them. The rinse washes away the dry saliva. Always transport them in a case to prevent them from drying out or becoming contaminated with bacteria. Warmer temperatures may warp and bend the trays, therefore cold water rinses are preferable.
  3. Brush and use dental floss before you put on the trays. When eating or drinking, you should take them off. Before you replace it, remember to brush and floss your teeth. Cleaning your teeth removes bacteria and food particles that have become trapped between your teeth. If not removed, they might cause cavities and other health issues.
  4. Soak trays every day. The easiest way to ensure it works is to soak the cleaning crystals or denture cleaners. Do not immerse the trays in boiling water as this may cause damage. After soaking, use a spare toothbrush to remove any remaining food particles.

Learn benefits of Invisalign over Aligners and Braces

Proper Ways to Clean Your Invisalign Aligners

Vinegar and Water

Combine three parts water and one part white distilled vinegar. Before brushing, soak and rinse for around 20 minutes. Rinse well to avoid a vinegar aftertaste.

Soap Solution

Put a gentle, unscented soap in the warm water and stir until suds develop. Soak in the solution for around 30 minutes. Brush and rinse it before putting it in your mouth.

Baking Soda Solution

Mix a tablespoon of baking soda into 1/2 cup of water until it forms a uniform consistency. After sixty minutes in the solution, vigorously brush the trays until there is no residue. Baking soda contains the active ingredient used in the purification or whitening of sodium bicarbonate.

Peroxide Solution

Mix the same quantities of hydrogen peroxide and water and then soak the trays for 30 minutes. Put it completely in your mouth and rinse before placing.

Retainer Cleaner

These cleaners come in the form of tablets or powder that must be dissolved in water. It is an effective cleaning product that targets teeth plaque and bacteria. In the end, the choices listed above are more expensive.



  • Papadimitriou A, Mousoulea S, Gkantidis N, Kloukos D. Clinical effectiveness of Invisalign® orthodontic treatment: a systematic review. Prog Orthod. 2018;19(1):37. Published 2018 Sep 28. doi:10.1186/s40510-018-0235-z
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October 6, 2021

Easy Ways To Clean Invisalign Aligners

Did you just have your orthodontic treatment with Invisalign? You should have known by now that you are a step away from achieving a better, more youthful smile that will give you a boost in confidence and achieve a better outlook in life thanks to this treatment. This type of orthodontic treatment has been a popular alternative to traditional braces since it is more discreet and has a faster treatment time than the latter. Moreover, it is not attached to your mouth most of the time which means you are free to eat whatever food you like without limitations.

For these aligners to maximize its effectiveness you will need to keep it clean most of the time. Invisalign aligners are prone to bacteria buildup that can negatively affect your oral and overall health.

Further read Five reasons for invisalign treatment.

Suggested Daily Routine

Here’s what a typical day should look like for an Invisalign maintenance:

1. Brush your teeth and clean your aligners when you wake up.

Expect to be wearing your aligners while sleeping therefore a lot of bacteria will build up on it while you sleep. Cleaning them in the morning is important so that it won’t stay longer in your teeth which could cause cavities and plaque. To clean the aligners, all you have to do is brush the trays, then rinse it. Make sure your trays are clean before putting it back in your mouth.

2. Rinse your aligners whenever you remove it from your mouth.

Rinse your aligners every time you take it off your mouth. Rinsing helps to wash away bacteria and dried saliva. When you take it off, make sure to keep it in a case so that it won’t dry out or be exposed to bacteria. When rinsing your aligners, make sure to rinse only with cold water as hot water can bend it out of shape.

3. Brush and floss before you put on the trays.

The aligners will need to be removed whenever you eat or drink liquids other than water. Before you put it back in make sure your teeth are clean by brushing and flossing it first. If not, food particles and bacteria will get trapped in it which can lead to cavities and other oral health issues.

4. Soak trays every day.

For these trays to work as intended, they need to be kept moist all the time. When taking it off, make sure to soak it in a cleaning solution or denture cleaner. Do not soak it in hot water as it can get damaged. After it is soaked, use a spare toothbrush to get rid of any remaining food particles.

Read: Effectiveness of Invisalign over braces

Proper Ways to Clean Your Invisalign Aligners

Vinegar and Water

Soak the aligners in one part distilled vinegar mixed in three parts of water. Soak it for 30 minutes and make sure to rinse thoroughly so you won’t taste the vinegar when you put it back in.

Soap Solution

Mix a gentle unscented soap in warm water until suds form. Soak it in this solution for 30 minutes. Brush to remove any food particles then rinse thoroughly.

Baking Soda Solution

Combine a tablespoon of baking soda in 1/2 cup of water and mix it until it is in a consistent solution. Place the tray in this solution for 60 minutes then brush thoroughly until no residue remains.

Peroxide Solution

Mix hydrogen peroxide and water in a 50/50 solution. Soak the tray for 30 minutes in this solution then brush and rinse thoroughly before putting it back in your mouth.

Retainer Cleaner

These are the best cleaning solution for your trays as all you have to do is mix the powder or drop the tablet in water. It effectively targets bacteria and plaque which makes sure that your trays are 100% clean. The disadvantage is that these are more expensive than the options above.

Source: Treatment of deep bite malocclusions

June 23, 2021

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