Timothy Hardy
Orthodontic Care Near Me
Choosing an orthodontist near where you work, live or go to school is essential, particularly if you are trying to save money. Aside from routine visits, expect to have several follow-up appointments or treatment during your treatment. Look for orthodontists with the best reviews and the one you'll feel comfortable working with. To schedule an in-person consultation or to get more information, please contact Taft Hill Orthodontics today at 970.401.6206
Meet Timothy Hardy, Orthodontist in Greeley
Dr. Timothy Hardy is a graduate of BS Engineering from Tufts University. He then earned his dental degree from Tufts University School of Dental Medicine. Later on, he went to receive his Advanced Education in General Dentistry(AEGD) from Lutheran Medical Center in Brooklyn, NY before he returned to Tufts University where he completed his Certificate of Orthodontics where he also served as a president of his graduating class. Dr. T. C. Hardy works together with a team of dental professionals at Taft Hill Orthodontics to create a comfortable and personalized experience for each of his patients.
He is board certified by the American Board of Orthodontics. Dr. T.C. Hardy is a recipient of the Everett Shapiro Award in Orthodontics and the Dr Harold Berk Endowed Prize Fund for Excellence in Research. He has published and presented his research both nationally and abroad.
An orthodontist is a dentist whose main focus is to straighten a patient's teeth. Orthodontists are specialists who diagnose and treat patients in childhood, adolescence, and adulthood with an underbite, overbite, crossbite, misaligned teeth, deep bites, malocclusion, overcrowded mouths, and treating improper bite, closing wide gaps between the teeth and many other oral health problems that aim not only to improve the appearance of the teeth but better chewing and speech function. All orthodontists, including Dr. T.C. Hardy, have at least four years of training in dental school after they graduated from college. Dentists either graduate as Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD) or Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS). Orthodontists receive special training to fix misaligned teeth. Orthodontists will have to study for two additional years at dental schools to get qualified as orthodontists. They also have passed the required exams on the state that they practice in. See Areas We Serve
Dr. T.C. Hardy is an active member of the following:
Professional Associations
Why Choose Dr. Timothy Hardy?
At Taft Hill Orthodontics, Dr. T.C Hardy's specialization is on traditional, lingual, and Ceramic braces. He also offers his adolescent and adult patients alternatives to traditional orthodontic treatments such as Invisalign Aligners and Incognito. If you are looking for an orthodontist that knows the best in terms of treatment for kids, teenagers, and adults, including the autistic child and special needs patients, and what science and technology, and education has to offer to you. Our team will do all we can to help you to have a healthy bright smile, and help your children and adolescent achieve excellent oral health. Our office is nearby and our benefits coordinator can answer questions about insurance and payment plans. Schedule an appointment today. Communities we serve in Colorado. See InBrace™, Invisalign® and Invisalign Teen®
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