Know the Benefits of Invisalign Retainers for Your Smile

After you’ve transformed your smile using Invisalign treatment, you will need to keep it from moving back to its original position with Vivera Retainers. These are custom-made retainers that are as invisible as your Invisalign treatment.

Why do I need a retainer after Invisalign treatment?

You need retainers because if you do not wear one your teeth will move back out of proper alignment. It is not because your treatment didn’t work as expected, but because your teeth have spent so many years in their incorrect position that it will take a long time for them to stay in their adjusted position.

After your Invisalign treatment, you will need to wear the retainers for 6 months full time then after that, you’ll switch to wearing them a few nights a week. Wearing the retainers every night helps prevent the natural tendency of the teeth to move out of alignment.

Vivera Retainers are also used for the following after your Invisalign treatment:

  • Ensure your bite stays properly aligned.
  • Keep the teeth from shifting back.
  • Maintain the new alignment of your treatment.
  • Prevent gaps from occurring between your teeth.

Read Overbite correction using Invisalign

More about Invisalign and Smile Direct Club

How long will I need to wear a retainer?

After your Invisalign treatment, you will need to wear your retainers for at least 22 hours per day. Once you stop wearing your Invisalign, you need to wear orthodontic retainers so that teeth remain in place while new bone is deposited. It will take around 9 to 12 months for your body to build enough bone to stabilize the teeth.

Once the 12 months have passed, there should be enough new bone deposited around the teeth to keep them stable. You don’t have to wear the retainers full time to maintain a beautiful smile. But you’ll still need to wear it at least 3 to 5 times a week.


How Do I Take Care of My Invisalign Retainers

You need to clean your Invisalign retainers just like any orthodontic appliance or they will not function properly. You need to clean them every day or every time you brush your teeth.

  1. To clean your retainer, you’ll need a toothpaste, retainer brush, and a retainer cleaner.
  2. Start by rinsing your retainer in lukewarm water. Avoid using water that is too hot to prevent damaging or distorting it. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush or retainer brush to clean it. Make sure to brush the inside and outside of the dental appliance.
  3. When you are done brushing your teeth, rinse it again in lukewarm water. Take this moment to inspect your retainer for calcium or tartar buildup that can appear as a cloudy, white film. If there is buildup, soak the retainer in a retainer cleaning solution.
  4. Retainer cleaners can work well in removing any deposits but for this case, it is best to use Invisalign Cleaning System as it is designed mainly for Invisalign retainers. It has special cleaning crystals to keep your Vivera clear, hygienic, and odor-free.
  5. If you remove your retainers when you eat, drink, or engage in athletic activities, your teeth should be free from any food or debris before putting it back on.
  6. Be sure to keep the retainers stored in a clean, and safe place, preferably in their own container or a glass of water to prevent exposing it to dirt or bacteria.
  7. Do not consume foods that could leave your retainers looking stained or discolored or can result in producing offensive odors. Best if you remove your retainers during mealtime.

How much does an Invisalign retainer cost?

Depending on where you bought your Vivera retainers, these cost between $600 to $1200. This cost includes 4 sets of top and bottom retainers or 8 retainers in total. Since you’ll be wearing your retainers for life, you will need to get new sets regularly.


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