Getting Braces Put On

This is it! This is the day you’ve been waiting for. You are now a step away from having straighter teeth. While at first, it may seem like a scary process, but there’s no need to be scared. It shouldn’t be a daunting experience either especially if you know what to expect.

In this article, we’ll help you understand the process, and what to expect on the day you’ll have your braces installed.

During the Appointment

Your appointment starts with your orthodontist cleaning your teeth. When done, they will apply a dental glue at the front of the teeth. The brackets are placed once the glue is properly seated to your teeth. When the glue to your brackets is dry, they will then pass the archwire through the brackets. After that, your orthodontist will attach rubber bands to keep it in place. This process will last for two hours or more, depending on the severity of your case. During this time, you can also choose to have clear dental braces if you want. Compared to metal braces, Cost clear braces are higher. Learn Cost clear braces

Before Leaving the Office

These useful tips can help you avoid frequent, unplanned visits to your dental office. This also ensures that your braces are properly installed before you leave the office.

  • Using your fingers, check to see if the archwires are poking any areas of your mouth.
  • Ask when is your next appointment. It is important to visit your orthodontist on the appointed date and time so make sure to free the schedule of your next appointment.
  • Ask your orthodontists about what to do between each appointment. Do you need to wear headgear? Are elastic bands needed? Will your teeth need adjustments?
  • If you have questions about your braces, oral hygiene, diet, or anything related, be sure to ask them before you leave.
  • Before you leave, make sure to refill the needed supplies for your treatment such as cleaning aids, dental wax, elastics, or any other things you might need.

When You Get Home

Getting the braces installed in your teeth is not that painful, but expect that you’ll get a sore mouth when you get home and when the anesthesia wears off. This soreness will be gone in a few days, but the good news is we have tips on how to help relieve the soreness.

  • Apply oral anesthetic gel to your mouth to relieve the soreness.
  • You can apply dental wax to the brackets responsible for causing pain. Your orthodontist will give you special wax before you leave the office.

How Long Will It Take to Get Used to My Braces?

During the first few days, your mouth is still not used to having a dental appliance in your mouth. For most patients, it will take a few months for them to get used to these dental appliances. In six months, you’ll barely notice that you have one. Take note that it is not unusual for the teeth to start to hurt for no apparent reason. If that’s the case, treat it with over-the-counter pain relievers.

Read more How much do dental braces cost?

January 20, 2021

Parts of Braces

During your consultation at Taft Hill Orthodontics, it is beneficial if you know the different parts of braces and how they work to correct your teeth. Having small knowledge of the parts of braces will let you understand what your orthodontist is talking about when they discuss the treatment options for you. It also helps you to be more engaged in the treatment which benefits from a faster treatment time. It also helps communicate your particular needs to us during the treatment. If we say a particular part that needs cleaning or repair, then you’ll know exactly what we are talking about.

The main components for braces are::

  • A. Ligature (Elastic Ties) – These are small rubber bands that surround the braces to keep the archwire held into the slot on the bracket, but it can also be used to direct the teeth in a particular direction depending on how it is used and how it is tied to the tooth. These come in various colors, and if you pair them with our white, ceramic brackets, these colors will pop.
  • B. Archwire – The archwire is the wire that connects all of the brackets and bands together. It is the source of force in correcting the irregularities in the position of your teeth. An archwire can also be used to maintain its existing dental position. These are made from stainless steel, but it can also be made of titanium. If you opt for clear braces for teeth, the archwire is made to match the color of your teeth.
  • C. Brackets – Brackets are small metal squares attached to the front and side of the teeth. These brackets are typically made of stainless steel or transparent ceramic that work like handles, holding the archwire that moves your teeth. Orthodontists use a special bonding agent to keep it in place or attach it using orthodontic bands.
  • D. Metal Bands – These are metal rings that fit around the molars or the back of your teeth. Each of the bands has a metal attachment that is welded outside where the archwire connects. These are held into place using dental cement. These metal bands are used to secure other orthodontic attachments such as brackets, hooks, or tubes.
  • E. Elastic Hooks and Rubber Bands – These rubber bands are used to move the teeth in its target direction. These are usually attached to the molar band and the upper ball hook.

See Dental Braces Cost. Want to learn more about Invisalign? See Invisalign how long compared to braces.

January 5, 2021

What To Expect When First Getting Braces

Now that you’ve decided to get braces, feeling scared or anxious especially if you don’t know what to expect is normal. Here are some things you need to know when getting clear braces for the first time. Read Dental Braces Cost.

This is a painless procedure. You won’t feel any pain or discomfort when you leave the dental office after the braces are installed.

Expect it to hurt after a few hours. It is only when the anesthesia has worn off when the pain will start. You’ll experience mild pain for a few days. This can also happen during the re-adjustment period. You can get rid of the pain by taking over-the-counter pain medications.

Expect to have sores on the lips and gums for the first few days. Your mouth is getting used to having wires and brackets on your teeth at this time; thus, causing sores to the lips and gums. To reduce the pain, rinse your mouth with a lukewarm salt water rinse. You can also use dental wax to prevent the mouth from getting irritated.

Your teeth will feel loose. Your teeth will feel loose because it is being shifted to its new potions and being loose helps move the teeth effectively. It is only when the teeth are in the target position and the braces are gone where it will feel sturdy again.

You will have a restricted diet. During the first few days of the treatment, you’ll be restricted to a soft foods diet only. Some of the food suggestions are mashed potatoes, cheese, and yogurt. You can eat sandwiches, but these are sticky and may be difficult to chew.

Stay away from foods that could get stuck to the braces easily like popcorn, caramel, and soft candies. Hard foods like carrots and nuts should be avoided because it could destroy it.

Expect to see your orthodontist frequently. When the braces are applied to your teeth, expect to see your orthodontist every eight to 10 weeks. This will ensure that the braces are adjusted properly and resolve any issues immediately before it becomes a bigger problem.

During these visits, ask for any concerns that you might have. Be sure to stock up on cleaning tools, dental wax, rubber bands, etc. to make sure you won’t run out of stock. You can ask to replace the ligatures for your Clear Braces Teeth especially if they have discolored.

You can still perform normal activities. A common misconception is when you wear braces, you won’t be able to play sports. But the truth is, you can play sports, but make sure to protect your teeth with a mouthguard. You can also play music even if you have braces, but it will take some time to get used to it.

You’ll be wearing it for one to two years. The standard treatment time for traditional braces is two years. If the treatment is minimal, expect that you’ll get out of your braces faster. However, when the condition is complex, expect your treatment time to be more than two years. Invisalign how long you’ll be wearing it depends on how often you wear it.

You’ll love the results. You’ll be confident, and you’ll love your new look once your orthodontist takes these braces off. You’ll look years younger.

Interested in braces? Learn more about it at Taft Hill Orthodontics

Tips How To Get Your Braces Off Faster

December 23, 2020

How Does Invisalign Work

Many would like to achieve straighter teeth but don’t want to wear traditional metal braces as the brackets and wires show up when they talk or smile, and the discomfort that goes along with it. That’s where Invisalign comes in.

Invisalign aligners are clear plastic aligners custom made to straighten your teeth. Unlike metal braces that use brackets and wires to straighten the teeth, Invisalign uses a custom set of trays to straighten it. Each tray is manufactured to be slightly straighter than the previous tray. Every two weeks, you’ll receive a new set. Each tray slowly moves the teeth up to 0.25mm per tray.

Invisalign Treatment Timeline

The average treatment time of Invisalign for adults is 12 months. For teens, the treatment time can vary. Moreover, the severity of the case also affects the treatment time. Your doctor will work along with you so they can develop a treatment plan that meets your needs. Read How much does invisalign cost


Invisalign is a great alternative to metal braces, but it still has its limitations. There are orthodontic cases where Invisalign won’t work as effectively as traditional braces work. Invisalign is fit for moderate cases while traditional braces are great at treating complex teeth issues.

Generally, Invisalign can treat the following:

  • Mild overbite
  • Crowded teeth
  • Gapped teeth

Once we know that you are the right candidate for Invisalign, we’ll take a detailed record of your teeth such as:

  • Digital x-rays
  • Digital scan of your teeth
  • Photographs of your teeth and face

These records are then sent to the lab along with detailed instructions of how the teeth should move. Our in-house dentist will use advanced 3D computer imaging technology to develop a treatment plan starting from its original position up to the desired position. At this stage, it is crucial that a skilled professional is needed to create high-quality custom-made aligners. The manufacture of the trays will take four to 5 weeks to complete. When the trays arrive at our office, we’ll be ready to straighten your teeth. Learn more about Invisalign aligners

Benefits of Invisalign

  • Invisalign can be taken out whenever you eat or drink. Therefore you won’t have any restrictions compared to traditional braces.
  • Invisalign is virtually invisible, which means it is a perfect choice if you don’t want to have metal brackets and wires showing when you smile.
  • Brushing and flossing are easier with Invisalign aligners because you can remove these aligners when brushing and flossing. This makes it easy to keep your teeth and gums healthy.
  • You can remove the aligners temporarily when taking photos, participating in sports, or any other special occasion.
December 17, 2020

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